Dear supporters, we have good news! SSNB board members had a very good first meeting right after the 2024 provincial election, on November 1, 2024, with Moncton Liberal MLA Alexandre Doucet and Education Minister Claire Johnson, whom had both signed our pledge during the NB Election 2024 campaign!
They were so generous with their time. We finally have advocates for the #StopSprayingNB issue inside a governing political party. This means that they will work to get other elected members on side in our new Government of New Brunswick. We will post updates.
The NB Liberal Government has committed to:
-Looking into alternatives to herbicide spraying on our public forests.
-Finally implementing the 20 recommendations made in November 2021 by a Legislative Committee, called the Committee on Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship. https://www.legnb.ca/content/committees/climate_change_and_environmental_stewardship/reports/60-1/20211102ClimateChangeFirstReport.pdf.
and has put these promises as tasks in the mandate letters sent to the following Ministers:
-Gilles Lepage (Dept of Env.)
-John Herron (Natural Resources – note that Energy now has a different minister)
-John Dornan (Health)
-Luke Randall (Economic Development)
-René Legacy (Finance)
-Pat Finnigan (Agriculture-although our issue and the mandate does not target agriculture).
Read more: Post NB Election UpdateHere is the list of recommendations by the Committee on Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship:
Pesticides Advisory Board
- THAT the Minister of Environment and Climate Change re-activate the Pesticides Advisory
Board and ensure it remains active. - THAT the Minister task the Pesticides Advisory Board with investigating issues and gaps in
information regarding the use of pesticides, which includes herbicides, in the Province as
identified by the Standing Committee on Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship. - THAT, within six months of the tabling of this report, the Minister review the composition of
the Pesticides Advisory Board as prescribed in the Pesticides Control Act to determine whether
any amendments are needed to ensure adequate independent expertise is represented.
Crown Lands and Forests Advisory Board
- THAT the Crown Lands and Forests Advisory Board be re-activated within six months of the tabling of this report.
- THAT the Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Development review the composition of the Board to ensure diversity of expertise.
- THAT the Board ensure stakeholders who use Crown Lands are doing so in a responsible
manner to meet stated objectives established by the Minister and/or in legislation.
Crown Lands and Forests Advisory Board
- THAT the Crown Lands and Forests Advisory Board be re-activated within six months of the tabling of this report.
- THAT the Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Development review the composition of the Board to ensure diversity of expertise.
- THAT the Board ensure stakeholders who use Crown Lands are doing so in a responsible manner to meet stated objectives established by the Minister and/or in legislation.
Forest Management and Ecosystem Protection:
- THAT, for the purpose of evaluating the impact of eliminating herbicide spraying, the
government initiate a comprehensive cost-benefit economic study comparing the usage and non-usage of herbicide in managing tree plantations in New Brunswick within 12 months of the tabling of this report. - THAT remaining old hardwood, mixedwood, and softwood forest be maintained (not
converted). This would require (1) ecologically based forestry, and (2) additional protected
natural areas (reserves). - THAT the government ensure protected natural areas have connected corridors, where needed, and minimize edge habitat for the purpose of biodiversity.
Increased Restrictions on Spraying
- THAT setbacks for aerial spraying be increased from 500 metres to 1 kilometre from
dwellings. - THAT the government require a spraying setback of 100 metres from protected natural areas.
- THAT the government require a minimum 100-metre aerial spraying setback from water and wetlands and/or require spray plans that may vary depending on the landscape and the
hydrological characteristics of the land. - THAT the government ban spraying of pesticides in protected watersheds as designated under the Clean Water Act.
- THAT the Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Development request of NB Power that it immediately begin phasing out spraying of pesticides under transmission lines.
Further Monitoring and Research
- THAT the Legislative Assembly appoint a Legislative Officer charged with the responsibility
for Crown Lands and Waters with an appropriate budget beginning in the next fiscal year. - THAT the Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development partner with
educational institutions and non-governmental organizations, where applicable, to study the effects of spraying pesticides in forestry on wild game, other food and Indigenous medicines in New Brunswick. - THAT the government request that Health Canada evaluate the registration of glyphosate every five years and with research conducted in and applicable to New Brunswick.
- THAT the Department of Environment and Local Government be mandated to routinely
sample and test water and sediment for glyphosate and related components adjacent to areas where glyphosate has recently been applied, and to report annually. - THAT for the purpose of evaluating the impact of eliminating glyphosate, the government
undertake a comprehensive cost-benefit economic study comparing the usage and non-usage of glyphosate in the agricultural sector in New Brunswick within 18 months.
Public Education and Awareness
- THAT, within six months of the tabling of this report, the Department of Natural Resources
and Energy Development create a public dashboard regarding all aspects of Crown forest
utilization, including pesticide spraying, for the purpose of increasing public education and