SSNB is seeking signed STOP SPRAYING PLEDGES BY MLAs, PARTY LEADERS, POLITICAL CANDIDATES.Stop Spraying NB is urging supporters to collect SIGNED (with a witness signature) PLEDGE FORMS, on which we have detailed what needs to be done by politicians to achieve our goal.
SSNB SUPPPORTERS: If you want to help us out with this send an email to please and thanks!
It is important that all MLAs, party leaders, political candidates are approached.
The pledge specifies clearly what we are after:”will take concrete action towards the banning of herbicide spraying on public lands in New Brunswick. This will include:· Working to raise awareness of the issue in the Legislature, the Executive, and my constituents;· Drafting a bill with the assistance of Stop Spraying New Brunswick (SSNB);· Tabling and debating this bill in the Legislature of NB;· Actively work towards gaining support for this bill together with SSNB among elected MLAs.”
Downloadable English and French PDFs (we need a witness signature, so we can hold those who sign accountable):
Thanks from SSNB board members Donald Bowser, Bruce Dryer, Teri McMackin and Caroline Lubbedarcy