September 2023 Forest Herbicide Season in New Brunswick in full swing

In late July’23, GNB released herbicide (glyphosate) spray licenses issued for 2023 spray season. The red dots in the image below show all the approved spray blocks for 2023: light green background shows Crown (public) land, pink Freehold forest, and no colour is private forest land. The purple areas are protected watersheds.

We have crunched the data using the spray maps we have generated using GNB data (GNB has not published yet which Crown forest land blocks were actually sprayed in 2022), and you can see that GNB issued a lot more spray licenses for 2023: 14% more on Crown forest land, 345 more on Freehold land (large forest corps own this), and 205 less on private forest land (woodlot owners). In total 39% more licenses issued.

Please note that the 2023 forest herbicide spray license map reflects Crown (public), Freehold and private spray licenses for 2023. LINK:

The historic forest spray map for New Brunswick only shows Crown (public) spray blocks because GNB does not release data after spray season on Freehold or private land.